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(2 edits)

Sweet a GB studio game! Cute sprites and fun little story. combat isn't bad but i did find a glitch, when i tried to heal i had 0 potions and if i said to use them i got stuck.You also can't talk to the two cats on the right when you see the 5 cats. also if the dog attacks you can and gets your health below 0 it wraps around to 255 and then you lose. Integer overflow glitch. Music is good as well, a small game but could be expanded to something bigger. The Cat empire can grow!

(1 edit) (+1)


I will be onto fixing the potions issue thats one thing I forgot I was working on the battle system.

I will make it so you can talk to the other cats and I will also reset health after battle 

Thanks for your feedback.

(2 edits) (+1)

issues fixed I made a fix for the health potions and I can't fix the value going to 255 It sets to starting health (10) when you lose or win you can download the new version if you want sorry about the issues ( I also added a shop which has 1 item as of now)


Sorry game positions where reset I fixed it and uploaded again.

No need to apologize! It's hard making a game and bugs happen all the time cool how fast you fixed everything up :D